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Justice Studies

Research Guide for NorQuest students enrolled in Justice Studies

Legal Citations

Examples here are for common situations. Use judgement and comparison if you need to write a citation for an item not explicitly dealt with here.

Charter of Rights and Freedoms


Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, s 7, Part I of the Constitution Act, 1982,

being Schedule B to the Canada Act 1982 (UK), 1982, c11.

 Citation in text: 

 (Canadian Charter, 1982, s 6(2)(b))

 (Title, | year, | pinpoint)

Revised Statutes of Canada


 Criminal Code, RSC (1985), c C-46.

 Title, | jurisdiction | (year), | chapter. 

 Citation in text:

 (Criminal Code, 1985, s 318(1)(a))

 (Title, year, pinpoint)

Statutes of Alberta


 Child and Youth Advocate Act, SA 2011, c C 11.5.

 Title, | jurisdiction | year, | chapter.

 Citation in text: 

 (Child and Youth Advocate Act, SA 2011, s 9(10))

  (Title, | jurisdiction | year | pinpoint)

Revised Statutes of Alberta

 Court of Appeal Act, RSA 2000, c 30.

 Title, | jurisdiction | year, | chapter.

 Citation in text: 

 (Title, year, pinpoint)

 (Court of Appeal Act, 2000, s 8(2))

Regulations of Alberta

Title, | Alta Reg | number/year.

 Protecting Survivors of Human Trafficking Regulation, Alta Reg 97/2020.

 Citation in text: 

 (Protecting Survivors Reg, 2020, s 12(2))

 (Title, (abbreviated if appropriate) | year, | pinpoint)

Case Law: Neutral citation

 R v Vader, 2016 ABQB 55.

 Case name, | year | level of court | case number.

 Citation in text: (R v Vader, 2016, para. 28)

 (Case name, | year, | pinpoint)

Municipal By-Laws

 City of Edmonton, by-law No 8353, Conduct of Transit Passengers (16 July 2019).

 Municipality, | by-law | number, | Title | (day month year).

 Citation in text:

 (City of Edmonton, 2019, Conduct of Transit Passengers, s 12).

 (Municipality, | year, | Title,  pinpoint).