One fundamental goal of NorQuest’s Curriculum Framework is to support NorQuest faculty, subject matter experts, and curriculum developers in creating and implementing a quality curriculum for NorQuest learners. Our emphasis on quality means that we ensure that our learners are gaining the best possible educational experience – one that is both accessible and challenging. To meet the needs of our learners, we have decided to include a course quality rubric, known as OSCQR (Open SUNY Course Quality Review) in the Toolkit. The State University of New York developed this highly intuitive and flexible tool.
The OSCQR Process by Open SUNY is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Assuming the perspective of students, the OSCQR rubric is positive, proactive, and focused on solutions rather than problems; in other words, OSCQR is not about evaluating your courses with a score but about providing you with insight into possible areas for improvement. You are free to use the rubric and customize it in a way that suits your needs.
Online Learning Consortium. About OSCQR. Retrieved from