Ainsworth, Mary |
Attachment Theory | Strange Situation Assessment |
Asch, Solomon |
Social Psychology, Gestalt | Perception; Conformity Experiments |
Bandura, Albert |
Social Learning Theory | "Bobo Doll" Experiment; Self-efficacy |
Bowlby, John |
Attachment Theory | |
Bruner, Jerome |
Theory of Cognitive Growth; Language Development | Modes of Representing Thought |
Erikson, Erik |
Theory of Personality Development | |
Freud, Sigmund |
Psychoanalytic Theory | |
Jung, Carl |
Analytical Psychology | Archetypes; Collective unconscious |
Kohlberg, Lawrence |
Stages of Moral Development | |
Kolb, David |
Experiential Learning Theory | Learning Cycle Model; Learning Style Inventory |
Maslow, Abraham |
Humanistic Psychology | Hierarchy of Needs |
Milgram, Stanley |
Social Psychology | Obedience Experiments |
Pavlov, Ivan |
Classical Conditioning, Behaviourism | |
Piaget, Jean |
Cognitive Development | Stage Theory |
Rogers, Carl |
Self-actualization, Humanistic Psychology | |
Skinner, B. F. |
Operant Conditioning, Radical Behaviourism | |
Thorndike, Edward |
Educational Psychology | |
Vygotsky, Lev |
Sociocultural Theory/ Social Development Theory | Zone of Proximal Development |
Watson, John |
"Father of" Behaviourism | |
Wundt, Wilhelm |
Experimental Psychology | |
Zimbardo, Philip |
Social Psychology | Stanford Prison Experiment |