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Research Posters

Sections and Organization of Content

  • Break down the content into distinct sections, depending on your subject area and topic.

  • The extent of your sections will depend also on your subject and topic

  • Arrange the sections in a way that follows the "top to bottom" and "left to right" conventions.

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  • Good posters will have:
    • Title: short and catchy to make a passing viewer stop and want to look at your poster.
    • Your name, your program of study, and your school/institution name.


Depending on your topic and content, the following would be common sections on an academic poster, but you don't need to include all of these examples:

  • Introduction: Abstract, Thesis Statement, Background, Hypothesis, Purpose, Objective(s)
  • Research: Materials, Method, Models, Analysis, Results
  • Conclusion: Conclusion, Discussion, Recommendations, Implications, Further Research
  • Acknowledgments, Contact Information, References