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Indigenous Education

This guide has been created for all members of the NorQuest Community.

I would like to begin by acknowledging that we are on the traditional lands, referred to as Treaty 6 Territory and the homeland of Metis Region #4. This land is home to many diverse groups of Indigenous peoples including the Cree, Dene, Blackfoot, Saulteaux, Nakota Sioux, Inuit, and Métis. I also acknowledge that the City of Edmonton and all the people here are beneficiaries of Treaty No. 6. which encompasses the traditional territories of numerous western Canadian First Nations as well as the Métis people who have called these lands home since time immemorial. NorQuest acknowledges the treaty, the land and the territories of Indigenous peoples as a reminder of:

  • Our responsibility and obligations to the land and to Indigenous peoples,
  • Our accountability to addressing the ongoing impacts of colonization that are distinct to Indigenous peoples and communities,

  • Our work together in remembering the spirit and intent of the Treaty towards right relations.

Note: this is a template from which to create a personalized statement.

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What is a Land Acknowledgement?

Photo by Roberto Nickson from Pexels

A land acknowledgement (or territorial acknowledgement) is a statement given at the beginning of gatherings that recognizes the traditional territories of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples on which it takes place. "Traditional territory" refers to the lands and waters occupied by Indigenous peoples since time immemorial.

A land acknowledgement calls attention to the relationship between land and people. In particular the practice recognizes Indigenous peoples’ traditional and continued presence, independent of the establishment of European colonies. It is both a respectful and political statement, inserting awareness of the history of the land and land rights into daily life.

How to Give a Land Acknowledgement?

A land acknowledgement may be presented verbally or visually, as a spoken greeting, signage, or other format.  A land acknowledgement is most impactful when it is:

  • Honest and historically accurate
  • Based in self-reflection
  • Related to the nature of the gathering and the audience
  • Paired with meaningful action, such as support for local communities.

Some individuals may also situate themselves in relation to the land by mentioning their ancestry or the Nation(s) or community they belong to. In a virtual environment, individuals may acknowledge both the territory they themselves are situated on as well as of the institution or organization hosting the event. 

In areas represented by treaty agreements, acknowledging treaty territory promotes awareness of the rights and responsibilities these agreements confer on all people who live and work in the region.

Treaty Territories

Many areas, including city of Edmonton and NorQuest College campuses, are situated on territory governed by treaties between First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples and the government of Canada.

Treaty 6 was signed by Cree, Assiniboine, and Ojibwa leaders and representatives of the Crown in 1876. The boundaries of Treaty 6 extend across central Alberta and Saskatchewan. These agreements continue to be upheld and to evolve over time. Today the Confederacy of Treaty Six Nations, formed in 1993, serves as the united political voice of First Nations represented in the Treaty 6 agreement.

The Métis Nation of Alberta (MNA) represents the advancement and well-being of the Métis people of Alberta. MNA self-governance is divided into six regions within the province. Edmonton is located in Region 4.