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Accessibility Guide and Toolkit

A resource repository of how to create accessible content.

Accessible Assessments (Exams, Quizzes, and Assignments)

All assessment content must be accessible.  Ensure all text, images, graphics, and multimedia are formatted according to the guidelines provided in this LibGuide. 

Accessible Question Types

When choosing what question types to include with your exams, avoid using questions types with mouse-dependent actions such as drag-and-drop, instead, use question types that allow for keyboard or voice input, such as:

  • Multiple choice
  • Essay
  • Short Answer
  • Numerical
  • True/False
  • Matching*
  • Select missing words*

*When using question types that have respondents select a correct answer from a drop-down list (i.e. matching, missing word types) keep the list relatively short for students relying on screen readers or Read & Write for access. Every time your list of response options appears, it is read aloud top to bottom by text-to-speech engines that cannot skim or skip ahead through the list options. When you include too many response options, the working memory of a student relying on audio can be overwhelmed disrupting their ability to retain the original question. 

Limiting drop-down questions to four response options is a good general rule consistent with multiple choice question types. If you have a long list of options, include a random selection of your options for the incorrect responses.

Navigation Methods

For exams hosted on Moodle, set the Navigation method to free under Quiz Layout settings. Free navigation allows students to go back or flip forward when writing their exams. 

A common strategy taught to reduce test anxiety is to start with questions you know, this increases self-efficacy, reduces anxiety, and allows a student to engage in higher order thought processes in order to tackle more challenging questions; students can only use this strategy when free navigation is allowed. 

Another benefit of free navigation for students is the ability to review and edit their responses before submission and to budget their time allowance by starting with the question types that require more time to complete.  

If your exams are hosted externally, review the platform’s available layout settings, and select platforms with free navigation layout options.