NorQuest manages an engaged, collaborative and informed curriculum development process
Curriculum development is managed through an informed process that is collaborative and learner-focused. It defines roles and responsibilities, invites support from leaders, engages stakeholders and embraces evidence-based decision-making. The processes enhance relationships between the developer, college resources, stakeholders and the learner. Documented processes and resource management help to ensure that curriculum remains an asset of the institution.
NorQuest supports a collaborative approach to Curriculum Development making use of valuable Curriculum Development resources including documented information; supports like the Curriculum Development Office; the Library; College Learning, Teaching and Development; E&IT resources; best practice resources; and so on. Documented processes provide guidelines and suggestions for ensuring a collaborative, informed approach.
Elements of the Quality Curriculum Development Framework are integrated into the curriculum management process.
The Toolkit contains the resources to support curriculum management. Documented processes provide guidelines and suggestions for ensuring a collaborative, informed approach.
Curriculum is managed through a planned process of course review, enhancement and development. Scheduled internal or external curriculum reviews inform and influence the processes to ensure curriculum quality and workforce relevance.
NorQuest supports a collaborative approach to curriculum development, making use of valuable resources, including documented information and supports such as the Curriculum Development Office; the Library; College Learning, Teaching and Development; E&IT resources; best practice resources; and so on.
Stakeholders, learners, subject matter experts (SMEs), industry, and faculty should provide expertise, input, and guidance to develop curriculum. Multiple perspectives will add value to the product.