*Low-stakes assignments will probably be worth 10% or less.
Sample Value: This assignment is worth 10% of your final grade.
*Provide a rationale for the assignment. Why are students completing this work? It can be useful to reference the course GLOs to demonstrate how the assignment aligns with the course’s learning outcomes. This type of assignment likely assesses one to two learning outcomes, but generally does not integrate or assess learning outcomes across the breadth of the course. Examples of low-stakes assignments might include reflection papers, short presentations without a written components, annotated bibliographies and other specifically-focused assignments.
Sample Rationale: This article summary assignment will give you an opportunity to contemplate, research, and discuss different perspectives on contemporary justice issues. Communication skills such as the ability to clearly and accurately summarize the key arguments of an article in the context of a broader debate are important for academic and long-term professional success. The assignment requires you to conduct research in newspapers, blogs, and websites to identify an author’s key points, succinctly and clearly summarize the article for others in the context of a discussion.
This assignment supports the following General Learning Outcomes [list them].
*Provide clear, step-by-step instructions for how students can complete the assignment.
Sample Instructions:
*High-stakes assignments will probably be worth at least 20% or more.
Sample Value: This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade.
*Provide a rationale for the assignment. Why are students completing this work? It can be useful to reference the course GLOs to demonstrate how the assignment aligns with the course’s learning outcomes. This type of assignment is likely something that requires integration of a variety of theoretical and practical skills. Examples of high-stakes assignments include research papers, case studies, research projects, and other integrative assignments.
Sample Rationale: This research essay assignment provides you with the opportunity to delve a bit deeper into a topic in this course. You will complete research, write an essay, and create citations, all of which are important academic skills.
Provide clear, step-by-step instructions for how students should complete the assignment.
Sample instructions: