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eTools from NorQuest College Library

LibKey Nomad

Are you browsing the internet looking for articles to help with your research project or assignments? Did you find an article on a website but it wants you to buy it? Or maybe you found an article at another library but can't access it. 

Try LibKey Nomad, a tool that helps you find resources the Library already has access to!


While you are completing your research look for icons like the ones below to help identify articles that the Library already subscribes to!

Informs users that the library has access to resources on the webpage. 
This button directly links to the PDF format of the article.
This button links to the web version of the article. A PDF version is not available in this case. A similar link is available for ebooks that the library owns.
We have access to this journal but not this specific article. You will be directed to an ILL form.  

In some cases, you will see this bar across the bottom of the website. We manually add these messages to journals and publisher websites where we know that the journal is popular among our institution, but the journal won’t link with LibKey Nomad.

When you see the chat icon on a button, you can connect with the library chat services for help. 
The cap icon indicates that you can add the article to Zotero and Mendeley citation managers. This is only available for article citations and not for EBook citations. 


Step 1: Download the LibKey Browser Extension 

Step 2: Go to the browser menu and find the Extensions Manager.

Step 3: Pin the LibKey Nomad Extension so you can always find it on your browser.

LibKey Nomad icon

Step 4: Search for and select NorQuest College from the Organization List. 

LibKey Nomad Setup













Step 5: All set up? Start exploring!