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Machine Learning Analyst Diploma

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Book Cover Title and Availability
gift of fire cover image

A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal ,and Ethical Issues for Computing Technology

  • Available for 3-week loan
how human judge machines book cover

How Human Judge Machines

  • Available for 3-week loan
  • Available as an eBook (Open Access unlimited users)
Affective Computing 
affective computing over image

Affective Computing

  • Available for 3-week loan
  • Available as an eBook
applied affective computing cover image

Applied Affective Computing

  • Available for 3-week loan
oxford handbook of affective computing cover image

The Oxford Handbook of Affective Computing

  • Available for 3-week loan
new perspectives on affect and learning technologies

New Perspectives on Affect and Learning Technologies

  • Available for 3-week loan
cloud computing for science and engineering cover image

Cloud Computing for Science & Engineering

  • Available as an eBook (unlimited access)
introduction to algorithms cover image

Introduction to Algorithms

  • Available for 3-week loan
  • Available for 3-hour loan at Library Help Desk
  • Available as an eBook (unlimited user access)
Artificial Intelligence
human centered AI cover image

Human Centered AI

  • Available as an eBook (unlimited user access)
demystifying artificial intelligence cover image

Demystifying Artificial Intelligence

  • Available as an eBook (unlimited user access)
artificial intelligence a modern approach cover image

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach

  • Available for 3-week loan
bad data handbook cover image

Bad Data Handbook

  • Available for 3-week loan
data sciene from scratch

Data Science from Scratch

  • Available for 3-week loan
  • Available as an eBook (2 user access)
data science a first introduction cover image

Data Science: A First Introduction

  • Available for 3-week loan
learning from data cover image

Learning from Data: A Short Course

  • Available for 3-week loan
Data Structure
think data structures cover image

Think Data Structures: Algorithms and Information Retrieval in Java

  • Available for 3-week loan
open data structures cover image

Open Data Structure: An Introduction

  • Available for 3-week loan
  • Available as an eBook
database management systems cover image

Database Management Systems: A Business-Oriented Approach Using ORACLE, MySQL, and MS Access

  • Available as an eBook (unlimited user access)
Data Visualization
data visualization a practical introduction cover image

Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction

  • Available for 3-week loan
fundamentals of data visualization cover image

Fundamentals of Data Visualization: A Primer on Making Informative and Compelling Figures

  • Available for 3-week loan
  • Available as an eBook (6 user access)
storytelling with data

Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals

  • Available for 3-week loan
Machine Learning
Statquest illustrated guide to machine learning cove rimage

The StatQuest Illustrated Guide to Machine Learning

  • Available for 3-week loan
new advances in machine learning

New Advances in Machine Learning

  • Available as an eBook (Open Access unlimited users)
hands on machine learning with scikit-learn, keras and tensorflow cover image

Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, keras & TensorFlow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems

  • 3rd Edition available for 3-week loan
  • 2nd Edition available for 3-hour loan at Library Help Desk
  • 2nd Edition available as an eBook (1 user access)
machine learning: a probabilistic perspective cover image

Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective

  • Available as an eBook
foundations of machine learning cover image

Foundations of Machine Learning, 2nd edition

  • Available for 3-hour loan at Library Help Desk
  • Available as an eBook (unlimited user access)
feature engineering for machine learning cover image

Feature Engineering for Machine Learning: Principles and Techniques for Data Scientists

  • Available for 3-hour loan at Library Help Desk
  • Available as an eBook (2 user access)
feature engineering and selection cover image

Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models

  • Available for 3-hour loan at Library Help Desk
  • Available as an eBook (3 user access)
data structures and algorithms in python cover image

Data Structure and Algorithms in Python

  • Available for 3-week loan
  • Available as an eBook (unlimited user access)
intro to python for computer and data science cover image

Intro to Python for the Computer and Data Sciences: To to Program with AI, Big Data, and the Cloud

  • Available for 3-week loan
  • Available for 3-hour loan at the Library Help Desk
python data cleaning cookbook cover image

Python Data Cleaning Cookbook

  • Available as an eBook
Math & Algebra
adult basic math college prep workbook cover image

Adult Basic Math College Prep Workbook

  • Available for 3-week loan
basic math for adults cover image

Basic Maths for Adults: Everyday Maths Made Simple

  • Available for 3-week loan
mastering essentials math problem solved cover image

Mastering Essential Math: Problem Solving

  • Available for 3-week loan
math refresher for adults cover image

Math Refresher for Adults: The Perfect Solution

  • Available for 3-week loan
mathematics a complete introduction cover image

Mathematics: A Complete Introduction

  • Available for 3-week loan
the math book cover image

The Math Book

  • Available for 3-week loan
weapons of math destruction cover image

Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy

  • Available as an eBook (2 user access)
no nonsense algebra cover image

No-Nonsense Algebra: Master Algebra the Easy Way

  • Available for 3-week loan
algebra a complete introduction cover image

Algebra: A Complete Introduction

  • Available for 3-week loan
the elements of statistical learning cover image

The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction

  • Available as eBook (1 user access)
manga guide to statistics cover image

The Manga Guide to Statistics

  • Available for 3-week loan
the art of statistics cover image

The Art of Statistics: Learning from Data

  • Available for 3-week loan
naked statistics cover image

Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data

  • Available for 3-week loan