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Online Teaching

Maximizing Moodle


What outcomes do you want to assess?


Knowledge and comprehension recall of information

  1. Moodle Quizzes; for example, multiple choice, true/false drag and drop, matching, short answer /essay, fill in the blanks

Higher-level cognitive skills. eg. Analysis, evaluation

  1. Moodle Quizzes – in particular short answer/essay
  2. Discussion Forum – allows student to respond by text, audio or video
  3. Moodle Journal tool – like a private journal that allows student to reflect on personal thoughts or issues related to the course
  4. VoiceThread (in Moodle) – like the discussion forum, allows students to respond by text, audio or video but also add slides they have created – good for presentations
  5. Moodle Dropbox for submitting Assignments; student can submit Word or PDF documents through the dropbox for instructor grading


  1. Moodle Quizzes – in particular short answer/essay
  2. Discussion Forum
  3. Moodle Journal tool
  4. VoiceThread (in Moodle)
  5. Moodle Dropbox for submitting Word doc. assignments

Writing skills, grammatical skills, reporting skills.

  1. Moodle Quizzes – in particular short answer/essay
  2. Discussion Forum
  3. Moodle Dropbox for submitting Word doc. assignments


  1. Moodle Wiki—a built in wiki that allows students to collaborate on a writing project
  2. Discussion Forum
  3. VoiceThread (in Moodle)
  4. BlackBoard Ultra Synchronous software (in Moodle)