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ACB Wellness Newsletter

Where to seek help & mental health resources



  • Primary Care Physician: Consult your primary care doctor, who can assess your symptoms, provide initial guidance, and make referrals if needed.
  • Mental Health Professionals: Consider seeing a mental health professional, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor, or therapist. They can offer therapy, diagnosis, and treatment options.
  • Helplines and Crisis Services: If you're in crisis or need immediate support, contact helplines like the distress like line or crisis text lines.
  • Support Groups: Support groups, both in-person and online, provide peer support and a safe space to discuss mental health concerns.
  • Community Mental Health Centers: Local mental health centers often offer a range of services, including therapy and counseling.



211 Resource Lists (Canadian Mental Health Associaton - Edmonton)

A list of agencies and programs that assist with a variety of issues and demographics. 

Access 24/7 (Mental Health Foundation)

Adult addiction and mental health services in Edmonton where patients can access: interventions and treatment; support and navigation services; crisis outreach; information; assessment; and referrals.

Action for Healthy Communities

Provides a variety of supports to newcomers to Alberta and Canada, including free phone/video, and in-person therapy. 

Addiction and Mental Health (Alberta Health Services)

Information about addiction and mental health supports, the naloxone program and supervised consumption services.

Africa Centre Clinic 

Free formal, one-hour, one-to-one counselling sessions in the form of short-term intervention utilizing solution-focused therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy. Sessions are available online or in-person in Edmonton or Calgary.

Alberta Black Therapists Network

A federally and provincially registered not for profit that promotes an integrated, holistic and collaborative approach to mental health and addiction services for the Black communities in Alberta. 

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) - Alberta Division

 Supports provincial-wide community mental health projects, mental health advocacy, government relations and workplace mental health training.

Help in Tough Times (Alberta Health Services)

Directory for addiction and mental health supports in Alberta. 

Help Right Now - Alberta (Canadian Mental Health Association)

Telephone resources for immediate mental health support.

Knowledge Hub (College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta)

The LPN Knowledge Hub houses information that supports LPN practice, including resources related to mental health. 

Let's Talk Moral Distress (Alberta Health Services)

Resource guide with information and resources to help support people experiencing moral distress.

Mental Health Help Line (Alberta Health Services)

A 24 hour, 7 day a week, 365 days a year, confidential service that provides support, information and referrals to Albertans experiencing mental health concerns.

Mental Health Support (Action for Healthy Communities)

Several interventions designed to improve the comprehensive and holistic health of individuals and diverse communities experiencing vulnerabilities.

Mental Health Support (Alberta Blue Cross)

Information about mental health and wellness, and mental health supports. 

Rapid Access Counselling Alberta

Free single-session counselling for all Albertans. 

Virtual Mental Health

Virtual addiction and mental health supports available via video, telephone and messaging to help Albertans get the care they need, when they need it, no matter where they live.


Black Mental Health Canada (BMHC)

Advocates for culturally safe, accessible and affordable mental health care to the diverse Black communities in Canada. 

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) 

CMHA is a nationwide organization that promotes mental health and supports people recovering from mental illness. 

Mental Health Meter (Canadian Mental Health Association)

Answer questions designed to assess your mental health.

Mental Health Support: Get Help 

Free and confidential mental health and substance use support available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from Wellness Together Canada.

Suicide Crisis Helpline

A safe space to talk, 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Call or text 9-8-8 for help.