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Indigenous Studies

A guide containing some helpful resources relating to Indigenous studies.

Indigenous Voices

Ecology and Environment

We have a wide variety of material on Indigenous ecology and environmental science.

Environmental Protection

Books, Journals, and Films about Indigenous land and water rights.

Environmental Education

Books, journals and films about Indigenous land-based learning and traditional knowledge.

Science and Technology Films

Search the science & math and technology subjects for Indigenous content.

Environmental Education and Activism

National Centre for Collaboration in Indigenous Education

Connecting communities with each other to share their stories about Indigenous education.

Indigenous Pedagogy

Books, Journals, and Films about Indigenous education and culturally relevant pedagogy.

First Nations University of Canada

A First Nations owned post-secondary institution.

Reconciliation Education

Online customized anti-racist education in line with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's 94 Calls to Action.

Indigenous Education


The permanent home for all statements, documents, and other materials gathered by the TRC.

Edmonton 2 Spirit Society

To re-establish and enhance our traditional roles and responsibilities as Two Spirit people in Indigenous communities.

Legacy of Hope

A national, Indigenous-led, charitable organization that has been working to promote healing and Reconciliation in Canada.

Why Indigenous Literatures Matter

It’s about the many kinds of stories Indigenous peoples tell, and the stories others tell about us. A Year of #HonouringIndigenousWriters

Residential Schools

First Nations Governance

Only organization in Canada dedicated to transitioning First Nations from the Indian Act to their own concept of self-governance.
Idle No More

Calls on all people to join in a peaceful revolution which honours and fulfills Indigenous sovereignty and which protects the land, the water, and the sky.

John Borrows
Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Law

John Borrows is Anishinaabe/ Ojibway and a member of the Chippewa of the Nawash First Nation in Ontario, Canada.​​​

Dr. Pamela Palmater

Mi'kmaq lawyer, professor, activist and politician. A member of the Eel River Bar First Nation in northern New Brunswick.


Indigenous Heritage

Library and Archives Canada (LAC) acquires, preserves, and provides access to published and archival heritage material.

Indigenous History

The history of Indigenous peoples in Canada, reconciliation and more.

A Concise History of Canada's First Nations

By: Olive Patricia Dickason & Moira Jean Calder

Bill Reid Gallery

Northwest Coast

Indigenous Collection at AGO

First Nations, Inuit, and Metis. 

Indigenous Arts Collective

Indigenous arts and culture.

Wakina Gallery

Alberta original Indigenous art.

Bearclaw Gallery

Canadian First Nations, Metis and Inuit art

Métis Material Arts Gallery

Métis material items from across Canada.

Indigenous Research Topics

When doing research on Indigenous matters, it is best practice to:

  • look for Indigenous voices on the topic
  • use academic resources, oral teachings, podcasts, blog posts, or news articles 
Try these Search terms:
  • Indians of North America
  • Aboriginal Canada
  • Native Americans
  • Indigenous
  • First Nations
  • Cultures (Cree / Kainai /)

Featured Databases:

Citing Oral Teachings

Citing Oral teachings from Indigenous Elders or Knowledge Keepers

NorQuest Library has noted that the formal APA style does not have a format for Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers so we have developed this citation style in the spirit of wahkôhtowin and reconciliation. 

APA style:
In-Text citation
Reference Citation

MLA Style:
In-Text citation
Reference Citation
