This plan, created by the Library Instruction Team, outlines how we will work collectively to develop the information literacy skills of students over the next several years.
Librarians help students develop their research, information literacy and citation skills through in-class instruction, asynchronous online courses, and 1-1 appointments. Instructors can request one of the standard classes featured below, or work with their liaison librarian to create a tailored session.
Research instruction sessions are designed to meet the needs of individual assignments and should be scheduled for when students are ready to conduct their research. In consultation with your liaison librarian, the following classes can be modified to better meet the needs of your students and the scope of your coursework.
In this class students will learn how to identify different types of sources (i.e. scholarly, authoritative, popular) and determine which sources are appropriate for academic coursework.
Students will learn the STAR criteria for evaluating sources and then apply their knowledge to real-life examples.
The lecture and activity will help students develop a strategy to guide their research.
Students will learn to identify keywords, generate synonyms, and combine their search terms using Boolean Operators.
Live demonstration and hands-on practice conducting a search in OneSearch (library catalogue), using key search filters, evaluating results for relevance, and saving results for later use.
Major topics include types of sources, evaluating sources, and the research process.
Customize the library instruction session by adding one additional topic/workshop from the list below.
You can request additional topics but note that any additional content will lengthen the overall time of the class.
In-class activities will give students the opportunity to apply their knowledge and critical thinking skills:
Using OneSearch to find scholarly sources.
Using a subject-specific database to find information (must identify which database).
Discipline-specific resources (authoritative/grey literature).
Using Google more effectively.
Making a plan for research.
How to read an academic article.
Customized sessions introduce students to online resources
Choice of individual databases, or combinations of resources such as Hoopla, Criterion-on-Demand, LinkedIn Learning, Solaro and more
Information literacy is a set of abilities that enable individuals to: