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Living Library

Icebreaker Questions

Not sure what to ask? Here are some ideas to get the conversation going:

  • What motivates you to share your personal history?
  • Why did you want to share your personal history with us?
  • What are the greatest challenges you have experienced related to your topic?
  • What are the most important things to know about you?
  • Was there one particular event that impacted you? 
  • What are some of the more positive/difficult aspects of your life? What makes them difficult?
  • The duration of event is 45 minutes.
  • Speakers gather with 1 to 5 listeners at one time for in person events. This may vary depending on the Speaker's comfort.
  • Do not record or take pictures of the Speaker without permission.
  • Consider using a Speaker as a resource for a paper or project. This can be discussed with your instructor.
  • Speakers can choose not to answer a question or may end a conversation if they choose to. 
  • If you have any questions, please email