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Resources for Writers

Essays Are Like a Conversation, Part 2

 Like in a conversation, an essay needs an appropriate closing.

Instead of "goodbye," or "I'll talk to you later," though, an essay's closing or conclusion is more like a recap.

It's a chance for you to remind your reader of the arguments you've made in your essay, and let them know that they are coming to the end.

Imagine that you are having a conversation with a friend. She is telling you all about a book she just finished reading.

After she tells you about the story and why she liked it so much, she quickly stands up and walks away.

Would this feel unusual to you?

Conversations don't end simply because you are done talking about what you want to talk about. There needs to be some sort of closing, like saying "goodbye," or "I'll talk to you later," or "we should do this again sometime." Essays work the same way. 

A view from behind of a person running and jumping out of an open door

"In conclusion...bye!"

©Ron Chapple Stock/Ron Chapple Stock/Thinkstock. Used under licence. All rights reserved.


Conclusion Resources

The conclusion is where you recap your essay and create a closing for your reader. It's your opportunity to:

  • Remind your reader what your thesis is
  • Summarize the main points you used to support your argument
  • Wrap everything up with a sentence that will stay with your reader after they walk away from your essay

These resources will help you write the most effective conclusion for your essay:

How to Choose a Resource

A globe Great for most writers, especially those in English 10, 20, 30 or above

The letters a, b, and c in a small box Perfect for  English 10 and anyone learning a new writing skill  Good for students in English 10, 20, 30 or higher who do not use English as a first language A book under a magnifying glass Resources for students writing research papers and other upper-level assignments

Want more resources?

Try looking through the subject guides on NorQuest Library's website! Find more writing resources and get information specific to your course or program in these collections managed by librarians and tutors.