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Resources for Writers

Read & Write Gold 11

Many people find that when they read their own writing, they miss their errors. Read and Write Gold 11 is a program that can help you spot your own errors and develop your writing skills at the same time.

Read and Write Gold 11 can read your writing aloud to you, which helps many people find errors in their writing. It can also help you identify correctly spelled but misused words and help you develop a vocabulary list, among other things.

The best part is that all computers on NorQuest College's downtown Edmonton campus have Read & Write Gold 11 installed, and all NorQuest students at the downtown campus can get a copy to use on their own computer for free!

If you'd like more information, or would like to access your free copy of Read & Write Gold, ask a Writing Centre team member!

Beware of Spell Checkers!

Spell checkers are a great tool, but they just look for a properly-spelled word, not the word that's correct for your sentence. Nothing can replace reading your writing yourself and making sure that your words say what you want them to say.

Using Ginger Software Grammar Check

Use Ginger Software Grammar Check to correct common mistakes in your paper such as subject-verb agreement, use of singular and plural nouns, misused words, and spelling.  Type in a sentence, click "Ginger it!" and see what recommended changes come up.  Also available as a Google Chrome extension.

Want more resources?

Try looking through the subject guides on NorQuest Library's website! Find more writing resources and get information specific to your course or program in these collections managed by librarians and tutors.