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NorQuest College Black History Month

An online repository to showcase and consolidate materials and resources regarding Black History Month at NorQuest College.

On this page, you will find pictures of past student art projects from our collaborative work with the Ribbon Rouge Foundation as well as advertisements from past in-person events.

2021 Art Projects

Students who participated in the BHM Project in 2021 made paintings based on things and items that bring them joy and happiness.





A trade show was hosted in February 2020 in the Singhmar Centre for Learning Atrium. Many local Black-run, Black-owned, and/or Black-centred businesses and non-profits were invited to participate.

This quilt was made for Black History Month 2020. Students made the individual quilt squares and local multidisciplinary artist Elsa Robinson put together the finished project.

2020's in-person event was cancelled due to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, but the idea was for the students who participated in the BHM project to come together and have a reflective conversation about their learning and experience.


An in-person event was held on February 3, 2019 featuring local spoken word poets Nasra Adem and Brandon Wint.

2019 Student Art


2018 Student Art and Stories