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Learn to Write

A guide to help you understand the process of writing and types of writing for assignments at NorQuest College.

Learn to WriteA graphic image of letters flowing out of a pencil

Did you know a writing project isn't completed all at once?  

  • You need to go through multiple steps before you hand in a paper or assignment. 
  • This guide is here to help you develop skills that will make every stage of the process easier for you!  
  • We've created this collection of resources you can access anywhere, anytime.

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Where do I start?

The best place to start is at the beginning! Use the following sections to help you learn about the basics (or mechanics) of writing: 

People respond to a writing assignment in a variety of ways.  

  • So many ideas and trouble focusing your work?  
  • No ideas at all, with writer's block?
  • Do you plan everything, but struggle to get it written?  
  • Do you start writing without a plan, and then struggle to organize it?

We have some tips to help you get started and overcome these kinds of difficulties!