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Learn to Write

A guide to help you understand the process of writing and types of writing for assignments at NorQuest College.

Spelling and GrammarA piece of white paper with red editing marks on it

 I need to correct my grammar. Can you help me?

We hear this a lot!

Checking for grammatical errorsoften called proofreadingis an important step in polishing your writing before you submit it, but it's not the only thing you should do once you've finished writing.

If you focus only on correct grammar and spelling, you are missing many other opportunities to improve your writing (and your grade!).

We recommend that you go through your paper at least twice to check for other ways to revise your paper before moving on to the proofreading stage.

Of course, we understand that you want to make sure that your writing is grammatically correct, too, so this section discusses some of the tools you can use to help you proofread your writing.

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Read & Write Gold

Read & Write Gold 11

Read and Write is a program that can help you spot your own errors and develop your writing skills at the same time.

  • It can read your writing aloud to you.
  • It can help you identify correctly spelled but misused words
  • It can help you develop a vocabulary list, and more.
  • All computers at NorQuest College's downtown Edmonton campus have Read & Write installed
  • You can get a copy of the program for your own computer for free!

For more information and support, please visit the Accessibilty Guide.

Spelling and Grammar Tools

These are online tools that can help you fix mistakes with spelling and grammar. *Clarify with your instructor whether you are permitted to use these tools to assist with proofreading.