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Learn to Write

A guide to help you understand the process of writing and types of writing for assignments at NorQuest College.



What's a sentence?

A complete sentence is a complete idea. It starts with a capital letter, ends with a period, exclamation mark or question mark, and contains at least one independent clause.

There are four main types of sentences. Click each one below to learn more about them:

Simple Sentence

Compound Sentence

Complex Sentence

Compound-complex Sentence


Common mistakes

Watch out for these common sentence errors when you proofread your writing:

Sentence fragment:  A sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence. For example, using a dependent clause by itself would be a fragment.

A red x - the sentence is incorrect When the fever broke.
A green check mark - the sentence is correct. Saadia's parents were relieved when the fever broke.
When the fever broke, Saadia was finally able to sleep.

Run-on sentence/comma splice: A run-on sentence happens when you have two or more independent sentences, but no punctuation and/or conjuction separating them. A comma splice is a run-on sentence with a comma where there should be a period, question mark, or exclamation mark.

A red x - the sentence is incorrect I stayed inside all day it was raining.
I stayed inside all day because it was raining.
I stayed inside all day. It was raining.

A red x - the sentence is incorrect Rebecca sat in her car for almost an hour, when it stopped raining, she went inside.
Rebecca sat in her car for almost an hour. When it stopped raining, she went inside.
Rebecca sat in her car for almost an hour, and when it stopped raining, she went inside.


How do I know it's a sentence?

There are three signs that something is a complete sentence:

  1. It starts with a capital letter.
  2. It ends with a period ( . ), question mark ( ? ) or exclamation point ( ! ).
  3. It has at least one independent clause (in other words, a clause with a subject and verb and no subordinating conjuction).


Learn about Sentences
