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Tutorial and Academic Coaching Services

Family Resources


Free audiobooks, books, and comics! You will need your NorQuest Library Card Number. If you need any help with setting up Hoopla, please connect with the Librarians here.



It is a collection of online feature films from studios including 20th Century Fox, Paramount, Miramax, Dreamworks, Warner Bros. and Lionsgate. Click here for more information. Please follow the steps under the title How to Link to Criterion-on-Demand Videos. 

Here are some online resources that are both educational and fun for children:

  • Khan Academy and Khan Academy Kids is on YouTube and is a great resource for children learning online. It is great for all levels!
  • Here are some great learning games for children in kindergarten to grade 3. 
  • PBS is a great website with different activities and videos games that involve learning and fun!
  • Brain Pop is a site with STEM focused games and activities!


If you want to share any children friendly educational resources for other parents that are students at NorQuest, please send us a chat here!

1. Do homework during their nap/sleep times.

2. Have children do quiet play while you are doing homework.

       a.     Examples are playing with Playdoh, colouring, tv show, reading by themselves.

3. Have children do homework with you. Modeling good school behaviour shows them that you are learning too.

       a.      If children are older, have them do homework with you. Talk to them about school and being busy. You spend time with them and show them why it is important to learn.

4. Play the 'quiet game' by setting a timer to be quiet for 15 minutes.

       a.       If your children can stay quiet or not interrupt your homework time, they get to pick an activity they want to do for 10 minutes. A treat can be reading together, going outside, watching a show. Then start the game again.

5. Make sure children have their snacks, water, and toys they want near them while you are doing homework.

       a.        That will make them get their own things without asking you for them.

How to Share Technology Devices at Home with Children

Ask yourself:

1. When do I need the computer? This includes class time and homework time. 

2. When does my spouse or partner need the computer? Find out what time they need the computer that day.

3. What time do my children need the computer? If you have children who are learning online, ask them what time their classes are and if have any homework they need to do for school on the computer. Find out what time they need the computer that day.

4. What time do my children need the computer to watch shows or play games? If you have young children and they want to play computer games, ask them what games they want to play and you can decide how long they play. For example,15 minutes or a half an hour of device time.

Once you have written down all the times, write down a schedule for your family to follow.

It can be difficult sharing a device.

If you are going to miss a class because another family member needs the computer, talk to your teacher  and they can work with you.

An example schedule looks like this:

You (Parent) Parent Older Child Young Child

Have class from

1- 2:30

3- 4:30

Also, you have 3 hours of homework

Has work from 8- 10 pm

Has online classes from 9-11 am

Also, has 1 hour of

homework to do

Wants to play website game.
Time Who is using it? Activity
8-9 am You (Parent) Homework
9- 11 am Older Child Online Class
11-12 pm You (Parent) Homework
1-2:30 pm You(Parent) Online Class
2:30- 3pm Young Child Play online games
3- 4:30 pm You (Parent) Online Class
4:30 - 5:30 pm Older Child Homework
7 -8 pm You (parent)  Homework
8 -10 pm Other Parent Work


How to Share Technology Devices at Home with a Partner/Husband/Wife

1. Write down when you need the computer for class and when they need the computer for class or work.

       a.      Ask yourself: Do both of you need a computer at the same time?

                     i. If you and your partner need the computer at the same time, talk to your teacher about it. Your teacher      can talk to you about work on Moodle that needs to be completed at a time that works for you.

                    ii. You can watch class recordings and ask your teacher any questions for things you do not understand.

        b.      If you only have one computer device, and your partner does not need the computer it during your class time – create a computer time schedule.

                        i. Always talk to your partner every day to make sure the times work for them.

                        ii. Example

Bob Jane

Bob has work from 9-12 on the computer

Jane has class from 1-4 pm on the computer.

Bob can use the computer after Jane from 4- 6 pm for work purposes

Jane can use the computer after Bob from 7-9 pm for homework


Mental Health Support from the Centre for Growth and Harmony

To find different ways that students can access mental health support while off-campus click here.

SANQC Social Media

The Students’ Association of NorQuest College (SANQC)  Social Media Pages. Look here for different events over the Fall and Winter semester.

Facebook   Instagram     Twitter 


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Library: Social Media

Visit the NorQuest Library facebook page for any event updates and to stay connected!



Additional Tutorial Resources

If you are looking for homework help outside of Tutorial Hours, these are some community options that you can visit. 

Free Services Paid Services
PALS (Project Adult Literacy Society) U of A Tutor Registry  (hire a tutor)
The Center for Family Literacy  

BrainFuse through the Edmonton Public Library

(requires a library card)


Resilience Booklet