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Tutorial and Academic Coaching Services

About Tutorial and Academic Coaching

If you have questions about our service, you can connect with a Tutor-Coach by email or calling the desk to leave a voicemail at 780-644-5864.



Or sign up for drop-in help through our queuing system (you will have to choose between online or in-person lines).

You can find Tutorial and Academic Coaching Services in the Learner Centre
2nd floor, Singhmar Centre for Learning (Downtown Edmonton Campus) 


Our hours of operation are on our homepage or sign in to Moodle and meet to a tutor through our drop-in service.

Please bring the following to your session:

  • Pen/pencil
  • Paper
  • Assignment instructions and rubric
  • Any class notes, readings, textbooks, and other materials related to what you are working on
  • Any specific questions you have!
  • Any other materials you need to do your work. (E.g.: Calculator, periodic table, laptop, etc.)


If you want help with organization and planning, please bring:

  • Course outlines (or a list of dates for exams and assignments)
  • Calendar or planner
  • Binder with dividers


Before you come in, read the assignment or notes, and try the work yourself.

Your session will be the most helpful to you if you have clear questions for the session. If possible, prepare questions or topics to cover in the given time period.

(Remember that a drop-in session is 15 minutes and an online session is 30 minutes.)

  1. If there are many students signed in who are all doing the same work, we may ask to work with you together in a group. This way, you and other students have the chance to work with us during busy periods.
  2. We will introduce ourselves and ask you what you are working on. If you are working on an assignment, please bring the assignment information and rubric, and your class notes and other materials. If you have specific questions, that's great! Make sure that you have already tried the work by yourself.
  3. We will work with you. We may not be able to cover everything in this time. However, we will give you resources for practice and invite you to sign up again later. It is important that you work by yourself on the assignment before signing up again.
  4. At the end of the session, we will help you remember what we covered in the session and help you decide on your next steps.

Sessions will generally address one or two major topics for writing; a few example questions for Math and Sciences, and typically last around 20 minutes. After which you are free to sign up again, while the tutor moves on to the next student in line.

We hope so! We want to help you become a more confident, independent student, and that will definitely help improve your grades.

In addition to modelling strategies to solving problems, we can help you develop additional strategies and skills like reading comprehension, dealing with anxiety, time management and priority setting that will make you successful in and out of school.

We cannot guarantee that your grade will go up, especially if you only come once right before your exam or assignment is due. Make the most of our service, make sure you come early and come often!

A drop-in session is most often used by student to help with reading comprehension, grammar exercises, study skills, and short writing assignments (like paragraphs).

However if you can break your assignment in to pieces, we can help you all the way through larger assignments! For these types of projects, plan to see us more than once! We can help you plan in one session, then help you with any step of the writing process in another if needed; such as how to better integrate quotations and references to strengthen your writing.

Yes! We are happy to work with small groups of students. If you are working on a group project, everyone in the group needs to be present. Otherwise, we can only help you with the parts that you worked on by yourself.


Questions about referrals to other services

The NorQuest Librarians have made resources for citation and reference help:

APA Guide 

     -  APA Lesson Guide

MLA Guide 

For citation, reference and research questions, please click here to book an appointment with a Librarian.

Any further questions, you can Live Chat with them or email 


Please visit the Accessibility Guide to book an Accessibility Intake meeting with a Navigator. Once you meet with a Navigator, you will then register you with Accessibility Services and will assist you with submitting the proper documentation. 

 If you have any further questions after the Accessibility Intake appointment, you can email

Please visit the Student Guide to Accommodated Exams to book any test/quiz/exam with the Testing Centre.  Once you review the information, you will be able to book exams for in-person and online courses. 

 If you have any further questions about booking your test/quiz/exam with the Testing Centre, you can email (for Edmonton Campus) or for Wetaskiwin Campus.

You can access Read & Write from your Moodle page when you sign in.

How-to videos are available here:  

Yes you can! Visit the library on the second floor of the Singhmar Centre to check out what texts we have on reserve.  You can also request books we may not currently have.

 Any further questions, you can Live Chat with them or email 

You can get employment assistance at Student Career and Employment Services to book an appointment!

If you already have a resume and are looking for help finding work. Take a look at the NorQuest student job board to see what opportunities are on or around campus!

For help applying for awards and bursaries, please book an appointment with the Scholarships & Awards Advisor in room A125 (CELT Building at the Downtown Edmonton Campus), or send your quick question to