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Student Guide to Accommodated Exams

Use this guide as a reference for all your accommodated exam-related needs.

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When will I write my exams? Students writing with Accommodated Exams get 5 business days!

By registering/booking with Accommodated Exams, you get an extended exam writing window for each of your exams (quizzes, tests, finals, etc)! This extended period to write is designed to support you – we know you have many responsibilities to manage!

  • At minimum, this exam-writing window will be 5 business days. If your class has an exam writing window of more than 5 business days, you will also get this full amount of time. The 5 business day window for you is a minimum.
  • Your instructor will provide you the dates for this 5 business day window. However, if you are not sure what the dates are, or your instructor tells you that you must write on the same date/time as the class, please contact us.
Example: You are taking an in-person class. Your classmates are writing the quiz in class on Wednesday, October 15. However, your instructor tells you that your 5 business day quiz writing window is Monday, the 13th - Friday the 17th that week. You will then book your appointment with Accommodated Exam Services at a time and date that suits you during that week.
Example: You are taking an online class. Your class is writing an online exam that already has a 2-week exam window. The exam window is October 1st and October 15th. Because the entire class has an exam window of more than 5 days, you know that you will also get this full amount of time to write your exam. You will then book your appointment with Accommodated Exam Services at a time and date that suits you during that 2-week window.