Author, A. A. (Year). Title in italics: Subtitle if there is one. Publisher name.
Toki, V. (2018). Indigenous courts, self-determination and criminal justice. Routledge.
Author, A. A. (Year Published). Title of books in italics: Subtitle. Publisher.
Balzer-Riley, J. W. (2012). Communication in nursing. Elsevier/Mosby.
Include all authors/editors:
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., Author, C. C., Author, D. D., & Author, E. E. (Year of Publication). Title of books in italics: Subtitle. Publisher.
Doenges, M. E., Moorhouse, M. F., & Murr, A. C. (2015). Nurse's pocket guide: Diagnoses, prioritized interventions, and rationales (3rd ed.). F.A. Davis.
Include the first 19 authors, use ellipses, and then the last author on the list.
Author, A., Author, B., Author, C., Author, D., Author, E., Author, F., Author, G., Author, H., Author, I., Author, J., Author K., Author, L., Author, M., Author, N., Author, O., Author, P., Author, Q., Author, R., Author, S., ... Author, Z. (Year). Title of the book in italics: Subtitle if there is one. Publisher.
Title in italics: Subtitle if there is one (xx ed.). (Year). Publisher.
Mosby's dictionary of medicine, nursing & health professions (10th ed.). (2017). Elsevier.
List up to 20 editors, acknowledge their role with (Eds.). If there are more than 20 editors: list first 19, use ellipses, final editor, and then (Eds.)
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., Author, C. C., Author, D. D. & Author, E. E. (Eds.). (Year of Publication). Title of books in italics: Subtitle if there is one (Edition). Publisher.
Potter, P. A., Perry, A. G., Stockert, P. A., Hall, A. M., Astle, B. J., & Duggleby, W. (Eds.). (2019). Canadian fundamentals of nursing (9th ed.). Mosby/Elsevier Canada.
Include Author information as Author, A. A. (Surname, Initials) and Editor information as B. B. Editor (Initials, Surname):
Author, A. A. (Year). Title in italics: Subtitle if there is one (A. Editor, Ed.). Publisher.
Graff, G. (2015). "They say/I say": Moves that matter in academic writing, with readings (C. Birkenstein & R. K. Russell, Eds.). W. W. Norton & Company.
Author name written in Author, A. format. Editor information in E. Editor format.
Author, A., Author, B., & Author, C. (Year). Title of chapter. In E.E. Editor & F.F. Editor (Eds.), Title of book in italics (x ed., pp. x-xx). Publisher Name.
McCance, K. L., Grey, T. C., & Rodway, G. (2014). Altered cellular and tissue biology. In K. L. McCance, S. E. Huether, V. L. Brashers, & N. S. Rote (Eds.), Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (7th ed., pp. 49-102). Mosby Elsevier.
Author, A. (Year). Title of reprinted material: Include subtitle if there is one. In E. Editor (Ed.), Title of collection in italics: Subtitle if there is one (x ed., pp. xx-xx). (Reprinted from Magazine in italics, Year, source information)
Gladwell, M. (2017). None of the above: What I.Q. doesn't tell you about race. In L. Buzzard, D. LePan, N. Ruddock, & A. Stuart (Eds.), The Broadview anthology of expository prose (3rd Canadian ed., pp. 412-419). Broadview Press. (Reprinted from The New Yorker Magazine, 2007, December 17)
Author, A. (Year). Title of reprinted material: Include subtitle if there is one. In E. Editor (Ed.), Title of collection in italics: Subtitle if there is one (x ed., pp. xx-xx). (Reprinted from Journal name in italics, Year, source information)
Milgram, S. (2017). Behavioral study of obedience. In L. Buzzard, D. LePan, N. Ruddock, A. Stuart (Eds.), The Broadview anthology of expository prose (3rd Canadian ed., pp. 137-147). Broadview Press. (Reprinted from Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1963, 67[4])
Author, A. (Year). Title of reprinted material: Include subtitle if there is one. In E. Editor (Ed.), Title of collection in italics: Subtitle if there is one (x ed., pp. xx-xx). (Reprinted from Book title in italics, Year, source information)
Showalter, E. (2017). Representing Ophelia: Women, madness, and the responsibilities of feminist criticism. In L. Buzzard, D. LePan, N. Ruddock, A. Stuart (Eds.), The Broadview anthology of expository prose (3rd Canadian ed., pp. 250-265). Broadview Press. (Reprinted from Shakespeare and the question of theory, 1985, Methuen & Co.)
Author, A. A. (Year). Title in italics: Subtitle if there is one (A. Author, Illus.). Publisher name.
Hall, M. (2015). Red: A crayon's story (M. Hall, Illus.). Greenwillow Books.
Campbell, N. I. (2020). Stand like a cedar (C. Victor, Illus.). Highwater Press.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title in italics: Subtitle if there is one (A. Author, Illus.; Edition Information). Publisher name. (Original work published year)
In-text citation:
(Author, original year/republication year)
Munsch, R. N. (2011). The paper bag princess (M. Martchenko, Illus.). Annick Press. (Original work published 1980)
In-text citation: (Munsch, 1980/2011)
Spiegelman, A. (2011). The complete Maus (A. Spiegelman, Illus.; 25th anniversary ed.). Pantheon Books.
In-text citation: (Spiegelman, 2011)
Vallerand, A. H., & Sanoski, C. A. (Eds.). (2025). Gabapentin. In Davis’s drug guide for nurses (19th ed., pp 615-617). F.A. Davis.
If you are using an eBook with a DOI, include the DOI at the end of the reference.
In-text citation:
Contraindications of gabapentin include "....." (Vallerand & Sanoski, 2025, p. 615).
Vallerand, A. H., & Sanoski, C. A. (Eds.). (2025). Angtiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors. In Davis’s drug guide for nurses (19th ed., pp 148-154). F.A. Davis.
In-text citation:
Captopril dosage for adults is “….” (Vallerand & Sanoski, 2025, p. 150).
Reference the chapter(s) and cite the author(s). List up to 20 authors as you see them, beginning with Canadian contributors first.
Luimes, J., Labrecque, M. E., & McConachie, A. (2024). Health assessment and physical examination. In B. J. Astle, W. Duggleby, P. A. Potter, P. A. Stockert, A. G. Perry & A. M. Hall (Eds.), Canadian fundamentals of nursing (7th ed., pp. 605-675). Elsevier.
In-text citation:
"The inner ear contains the cochlea, vestibule, and semicircular canals” (Luimes et al., 2024, p. 628).
Reference: Reference the textbook in a single entry.
Astle, B. J., Duggleby, W., Potter, P. A., Stockert, P. A., Perry, A. G., & Hall, A. M. (Eds.). (2024). Canadian fundamentals of nursing (7th ed.). Elsevier.
In-text citations refer to the editors of the book, and not the authors or editors of the chapter you cite:
"Evidence-informed nursing deemphasizes ritual, isolated, and unsystematic clinical experiences" (Astle et al., 2024, p. 107).
Coar, J. (2023). Adult Pressure Injury. In M. B. Flynn Makic & M. R. Martinez-Kratz (Eds.), Ackley and Ladwig’s nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care (13th ed., pp. 765-770). Elsevier.
In-text citation:"localized damage to the skin and/or underlying tissue" (Coar, 2023, p. 765).
Reference: Reference the textbook in a single entry.
Flynn Makic, M. B., & Martinez-Kratz, M. R. (Eds.). (2023). Ackley and Ladwig’s nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care (13th ed.). Elsevier.
In-text citations refer to the editors of the book, and not the authors or editors of the chapter you cite:
"Complete a preoperative assessment to identify client factors that will increase a client's risk for pressure injuries" (Makic & Martinez-Kratz, 2023, p. 741).
Include reference entries for each drug:
Clavulin. (2024, June 28). In CPS.
(Clavulin, 2024)
Canadian Council for Practical Nurse Regulators. (2019). Entry-level competencies for licensed practical nurses.
In-text citation: Only spell the organization's full name for the first in-text citation. Use the abbreviation for all subsequent in-text citations.
(Canadian Council for Practical Nurse Regulators [CCPNR], 2019, p. 6)
(CCPNR, 2019, p. 8)
Individual authors are not listed for each chapter. Reference the book as a whole, listing Canadian contributors first.
Sealock, K., Seneviratne, C., Lilley, L. L., Collins, S. R., & Snyder, J. S. (2025). Lilley's pharmacology for Canadian health care practice (5th ed.). Elsevier.
In-text citation :
"With osteotride acetate, therapeutic effects include improvement of symptoms related to carcinoid tumours, VIPoma, or esophageal varicess" (Sealock et al., 2025, p. 523).
Reference the chapter(s) and cite the author(s). List up to 20 authors as you see them, beginning with Canadian contributors first.
Tyerman, J., & Harding, M. M. (2024). Introduction to medical-surgical nursing practice in Canada. In J. Tyerman, S. L. Cobbett, M. M. Harding, J. Kwong, D. Roberts, D. Hagler, & C. Reinisch (Eds.), Lewis's medical-surgical nursing in Canada: Assessment and management of clinical problems (5th ed., pp. 2-19). Elsevier.
In-text citation:
"The medical-surgical nurse is considered a leader and a key member of the interdisciplinary team” (Tyerman & Harding, 2024, p. 7).
Reference: Reference the textbook in a single entry.
Tyerman, J., Cobbett, S. L., Harding, M. M.,Kwong, J., Roberts, D., Hagler, D., & Reinisch, C. (Eds.). (2024). Lewis's medical-surgical nursing in Canada: Assessment and management of clinical problems (5th ed.). Elsevier.
In-text citations refer to the editors of the book, and not the authors of the chapter you cite:
"Insufficient sleep is associated with changes in body function and health problems" (Tyerman et al., 2024, p. 122).
Reference the chapter(s) and cite the author(s). List up to 20 authors as you see them, beginning with Canadian contributors first.
Basso, M. (2024). Pain management during labour and birth. In L. Keenan-Lindsay, G. Leifer & K. Townsend Little, Leifer's introduction to maternity and pediatric nursing in Canada (2nd ed., pp. 185-204). Elsevier.
In-text citation:
"The pregnant person often chooses a preparation class that aligns with their values and goals for labour” (Basso, 2024, p. 185).
Reference: Reference the textbook in a single entry.
Keenan-Lindsay, L., Leifer, G., Townsend Little, K. (2024). Leifer's maternity and pediatric nursing in Canada (2nd ed.). Elsevier.
In-text citations refer to Keenan-Lindsay et al. and not the authors of the chapter you cite:
"These prelabour cervical changes occur naturally in many pregnant patients toward the end of the third trimester" (Keenan-Lindsay et al., 2024, p. 215).
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta. (2020a). G: Respiratory. In Competency profile for licensed practical nurses (5th ed., pp. 62-65).
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta. (2020b). Y: Ophthalmology. In Competency profile for licensed practical nurses (5th ed., pp. 141-142).
If citing two sections, include a lowercase a behind the date of the reference that appears first in your reference list and a lowercase b behind the date of the second.
In-text citation:
(College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta [CLPNA], 2020a, p. 64)
(CLPNA, 2020b, p. 141)
Only spell the organization's full name for the first in-text citation. Use the abbreviation for all subsequent in-text citations.
College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta. (2020). Competency profile for licensed practical nurses (5th ed.).
In-text citation:
(College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta [CLPNA], 2020, p. 64).