Accessibility Advisors can help with your accommodation plan, submitting your documentation, and completing a Schedule 4 application. Contact the Accessibility Advisors by email at
Assistive Technology Advisors can provide training and troubleshooting for your assistive technology accommodations (i.e. lecture recording, Read & Write, Dragon, NVDA, JAWS). Contact the Assistive Technology team by email at
To book appointments with an Accessibility Advisor or Assistive Technology: visit the online student portal or email us at
Sign language interpreters facilitate communication between individuals who may be Deaf, hard of hearing and/or hearing. To arrange sign language interpretation, e-mail or 780-644-6084
The Testing Centre provides a quiet space to write your exams with accommodations. For everything you need to know about booking your exams, visit the Student Guide to Accommodated Exams.
The Tutors and Academic Coaches work with all NorQuest students to build academic skills, confidence, and independence. Visit the online tutor hub and meet your tutor now!
Your accommodation plan is an individualized support plan based on your needs and designed to help you meet the requirements of your academic program. When you register with Accessibility Services, you will be asked to complete the Accessibility Intake Form and book an Accessibility Assessment appointment to develop your accommodation plan.
Accommodations can help you with:
To modify your existing accommodation plan, you need to meet with an Accessibility Advisor.