Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) suicide intervention certification
Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Time: 1pm - 4pm
Location: CELT 3-211 (Edmonton Downtown campus).
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) provides innovative, practical and proven certified suicide prevention training. Through this 3-hour QPR course we will explore stigma surrounding suicide, bust outdated myths, and discuss the prevalence of suicide in Canada, Alberta, and Edmonton.
You will then learn how to identify warning signs that somebody might be considering suicide, how to encourage somebody to seek professional help and support, and when and where to access help. Through this training, our campus community will become stronger and more able to help provide support to one another. You will gain practical skills that could help to save a life in your personal and/or professional lives.
Note: Attendees will be required to actively participate in discussions throughout in order to receive a certificate of attendance.
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