CMHA (Edmonton) Suicide Bereavement Support Group
Grieving a loss to suicide can seem overwhelming, but the support and understanding of others can be a powerful source of strength. Our Suicide Bereavement Support Groups welcome anyone who has lost someone to suicide.
Each group includes 3 modules covered over a 12-week period. Participants must attend an intake session prior to joining a group.
Choose the group that works for you:
Evening Adult Suicide Bereavement Support Groups
Weekly sessions are at 6:30 – 8:00 pm:
(The weekly session is designed to provide support)
Evening Intake sessions are at 6:30 – 8:00 pm:
(The intake session is designed to introduce people to the group)
Afternoon Adult Suicide Bereavement Support Groups
Weekly sessions are at 2:00 – 3:30 pm:
(The weekly session is designed to provide support)
Afternoon Intake sessions are at 2:00 – 3:30 pm:
(The intake session is designed to introduce people to the group)
Honouring Life (formerly Aboriginal Youth and Community Empowerment Strategy or AYCES) is a suicide prevention program developed to support First Nation and Métis communities by building capacity in mental wellness, resiliency, and healthy lifestyle promotion.
Indigenous youth in Alberta deserve to experience life with hope, meaning, belonging and purpose. Honouring Life will help guide Indigenous communities to have the knowledge, vision and capacity to support joyful, vibrant and purposeful youth.
In July of 2018, Alberta Health provided additional funding for the Honouring Life program. This new funding allows Honouring Life to expand across Alberta serving more First Nation Communities, Métis Settlements, and the Métis Nation of Alberta.
For more information about how to submit your proposal view the following document:
If you are interested in applying for Honouring Life funding, contact Honouring Life for additional information at
Losing a loved one to suicide is different than losing someone to illness or even a sudden and tragic accident. Feelings of sadness and grief are often complicated by other feelings, like guilt, embarrassment, shame, despair, anger and denial. The endless search for answers can be overwhelming. Why did this happen? What could I have done? Will I ever be happy again? We know you have questions. And we want to help you find some answers. But more than that, we want to support you in your journey of grief and healing.
This package is intended to give you some basic information and assistance as you begin your journey. It is not a substitute for professional counselling or medical treatment and we encourage you to get the help you need.
If you need immediate crisis support, call the 24-hour Distress Line at 780-482-4357. If you would like to explore ongoing individual or group support through our Suicide Bereavement Support Services, call us at 780-414-6300.
11 of Us was developed as part of Living Hope: A Community Plan to Prevent Suicide in Edmonton. Living Hope is the Edmonton community’s collective response to suicide – a reflection of our combined determination to translate intention into action.
Our Goals
Public awareness is one of many activities laid out in Living Hope that together make up a comprehensive strategy for how suicide can be prevented.
The three goals of the plan are :
The purpose of this training and education is for Edmontonians to be able to better understand who may be at risk of suicide, risk and protective factors and how best to offer assistance and support for someone considering suicide.
Sponsorship from Living Hope: A Community Plan to Prevent Suicide in Edmonton has made this suicide prevention training and education free of charge for Edmontonians.